Tuesday, 30 April 2013

GFC Going Bye Byes :(

Hey My Beautifuls,

As of July 1st Google Friend Connect (GFC) will be going away so, to stop loosing the blogs you love, including mine :P, It would be a great idea to choose an alternative way of reading the blogs you follow.

You can follow this blog several ways the easiest being BlogLovin which is simple and free to use. BlogLovin works in a similar way to Facebook all of your blogs in one place and listed in date/time order. My BlogLovin link is: http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/1721929/the-pro-make-up-blog

You also have the option to import all of the blogs you follow once you have signed up :)

I will look forward to seeing you all over at BlogLovin :)

Much Love,