Friday, 27 April 2012

Lush's Animal Testing Campaign

Did Lush take it too far? or do you think they should be applauded for this in your face spectacle?

Ems xo


  1. Mhm extreme, but powerful I guess. I hope people took the time to think about that.

    1. I can't currently make up my mind as to what I think about it! I think it's great that a company has the balls to do what they have though

  2. Loved it! It really makes you think about the effect of animal testing and how disgusting it is. I will definitely be more interested in how animal friendly brands are from now on :) x

  3. Extreme would have been showing actual images of animal torture, which they did not do. Those are incredibly full of violence and gore. Choosing to reenact the experiments is been a powerful, still tasteful way of telling people "this is what you usually don't think about when buying Chanel mascaras".

    What totally crushes me: i linked this to several [italian] beauty bloggers and they ALL ignored me. So i'll have to admit, this is still not shocking enough to make people care about animals lives.

