Saturday, 25 August 2012

A Note From Co-founder of Illamasqua

Yesterday I got the following lovely email from Co-founder of Illamasqua Julian Knapson and I wanted to share it with you all because the ethics behind this amazing company are truly outstanding and long may they continue to run this way!

A thank you from the founder of Illamasqua 

In the world of make-up, mass marketing does all the talking. So why am I taking the trouble to write you this personal letter? It’s because Illamasqua is a brand that, I believe, is as much yours as it is mine. And you deserve to know more about the business you helped build.  Illamasqua is unlike any other big beauty brand that has ever been created. We’re proud that our approach to business is almost Victorian in its thinking. In only three short years we have created a brand new fashion icon, but with good old-fashioned values of fairness, strong principles and a hard work ethic. We’ve built a global brand, but with the commitment and pureness of a family-business. 

In the beginning we were faced with a choice. We could invest all our money in creating a great product, or spend the majority of our money on marketing and a fraction on product. Without any hesitation we chose to invest everything into our product. We did this for two reasons. 

1. We wanted to create a premium product that would be bought and bought again (A poor product only sells once).
2. We identified, before anyone else, that by embracing the community of bloggers and by making our brand and ourselves accessible through social media channels, we could establish a genuinely strong relationship with our customers that was far more effective than any multi million pound ad campaign. 

This decision to reject convention is still, I believe, one of our most fundamental.
This is what makes us different from the other shallow beauty brands. It’s also what makes you different from other beauty customers – because when you bought Illamasqua, you did so without it being sold to you. You ignored the make-up industry’s billions. Rejected their multi-million pound advertising campaigns and dominance of the beauty halls. Turned away from their glitzy advertisements and celebrity endorsements deals. You judged the product for yourself. You bought it because you believed in it. And you spread the good word of Illamasqua. 

Today, many industry commentators hail us as the fastest growing British cosmetics brand in years. This is all because you blogged, tweeted, emailed and evangelised. It’s thanks to you that we can refuse to be like everybody else. We refuse to pay for celebrity endorsements - preferring people to wear our products because they want to, not because they’re paid to. It’s a brave stand to take in an industry where celebrity deals are the norm. But we’ve never done anything normal, and it’s a decision that has paid off. Especially when celebrities who have deals with other brands choose to wear our products instead. 

We also refuse to allow our retailers to overlook our more creative colours by only stocking our best sellers. We refuse to use animal hair in our brushes even though it affects the levels of stock we are able to produce, and as such affects our earnings. But we refuse to abandon our principles, even when they cost us money.
And we refuse to play the industry’s games, the best example of which is to tell women of a certain age that their time of colourful self-expression is over - that now they must choose to use ‘age-fighting’ products and beige, matt make-up. 

To us, hiding your age is like hiding your true identity, and we find it as deplorable as the unthinkable idea of telling you, our customers what to look like. So it won’t come as a surprise when I tell you that our latest campaign features older models. Why? Because Illamasqua is not just make-up for the skin. It’s make-up for a mind-set. 

The reason why we can make such stands is because of our independence. Unlike 99% of cosmetics brands, we are not owned by the big beauty cartels. So we see our selves as the ‘David’ to their ‘Goliath’. We expose the industry’s shameful tactics and throw them right back in their face. 

We’re proud of what we have created – the make-up, and a whole new book of rules. And you should be proud too – your part in Illamasqua’s success and our continued challenge to the beauty cartels is vital. What we’ve achieved together is unprecedented in this industry. Before Illamasqua, to launch a successful beauty brand you needed either 100 million pounds or 25 years to establish yourself. It also helps to be French. We had none of these things. But what we did have was the best product on the market and an understanding of how to speak to you, our consumer and, most importantly, how to listen.

So please continue to spread our story, because it’s your story too. This letter isn’t asking you to part with your friend’s email addresses. Just tell someone about our journey. Over a drink. At dinner. On your way to work.
Thank you for being part of our journey so far, and walking this road with us.
Thank you, for being Illamasqua.

I’ll be writing to you again soon. In the meantime, if you have anything you’d like to talk to me about you can. Drop me a line at Or follow me on twitter at @JulianKynaston
Sincerely yours,

Founder and Joint MD, Illamasqua

Monday, 20 August 2012

Review: Stylepilot

I always struggle when it comes to buying gifts for the men in my life especially when it comes to clothing so, I checked out a site called Stylepilot.

Stylepilot is currently only for men's fashion and it works in a similar way to some of the shoe selector sites that are around. You start off by inputting all of yours (if you are male) or your favourite mans stats in and then the site will generate recommendations for you.

You get the option to save your settings by registering with the site so every time you want a new recommendation your stats are already stored.

Another great feature is the Outfit builder section which shortlists everything that you match from your inputted stats meaning you can create your perfect outfit. Within the Outfit Builder you can choose by event type to make life even more easier.

For those that just like to browse for clothes that option is there too!

I think this is a very clever idea and nice that guys have been catered for in this way as usually its us girls that get all the cool fashion gadgets.

Stylepilot stock great branded items including GAP, Paul Smith and even high street favourite Topman.

You can find style pilot by visiting their website so, go and check it out and tell me what you think, Would you use this? Do you like the idea?

Until next time

Ems xo

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

NOTD: The Domino Effect

My first attempt at detail on nails, I know not great but I tried ha ha!

I used MUA Nail Poilish in Shade 2 Black, Attitude Matte Topcoat and Illamasqua Nail Polish in Scorch.

Review - Attitude Matte Finish Nail Varnish

I purchased Attitude Matte Finish Nail Varnish quite a while ago from my local Capital store in Hove. Other than eBay and Amazon I am not aware of any shops that sell this product because its a pro product.

I love it when you find a product that does exactly what it says on the bottle. I applied MUA's shade 2 Black colour all over the nails and allowed them to dry before applying the matte topcoat from Attitude.

See the after results below for yourself

Yes I know I am not all that great at covering the nail but you can see the result!

The Attitude topcoat cost me £2.76 from Capital and the MUA Nail Varnish cost me £1.00.

I think as I said the images speak for themselves I cant wait to try the product on more obscure colours to see if the affect is just as good.

Have you tried this topcoat before? What did you think?

Ems xo